- #Gmail keyboard shortcuts off but still enabled update#
- #Gmail keyboard shortcuts off but still enabled full#
If an email is counting on you, then its an Action. Now you can get on with the hard (and fun) work of getting down to Zero. gi – Back to Inbox (from reading an email).Handy Dandy Keyboard Shortcuts to Keep in Mind I wish I could just demo my actual Inbox instead, I've loaded up this sample account with a couple dozen emails that need to be handled. Now you can start to actually deal with those hundreds of messages that are sitting in your Inbox either collecting dust, or pestering you and making you feel guilty every time you see them. Not to worry, this is where the fun begins! Well big fat lot of good this has done you, right?
#Gmail keyboard shortcuts off but still enabled full#
Now you should be looking at an Inbox full of messages and four empty panels on your right.

Choose "Right side of the inbox" for Extra Panels Positioning.
#Gmail keyboard shortcuts off but still enabled update#
Use the image below to update your settings

Waiting On (something you don't want to forget about, but get it out of sight and out of mind for now.We're going to use Gmail's labels to assign every email you receive to one of the following categories: You don't need to dive in on his books or talks to get going, we'll cover the basic foundations along the way. The method I'll demonstrate makes use of GTD or " Getting Things Done" by David Allen. If you're stuck with Outlook at work, I am so, so sorry. I haven't used a mail client in years and I don't miss it one bit. If you're still rolling with Sparrow or in love with Postbox, I probably won't convince you to change but it's worth considering the switch. The steps I'll demo below make use of Gmail's web client, and it's the same process I helped my wife implement to get her Inbox down from many thousands to the magical and totally achievable Inbox Zero. If you have hundreds or thousands of messages just hanging out in your Inbox, I've got good news for you: